Jinxin Machinery на выставке Chinaplas 2024

In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of plastic and rubber manufacturing, staying at the forefront of technology and innovation is not just an advantage; it's a necessity. For us at Jinxin plastic machinery, this commitment to excellence is demonstrated not only through our state-of-the-art single screw extruders but also in our active participation in plastic exhibitions - CHINAPLAS 2024. Each year, we mark our calendars with a series of significant events, the pinnacle of which is our annual participation in КИНАПЛАС, Asia's largest plastic exhibition and rubber trade fair.

Jinxin на выставке пластика Chinaplas

Since 2019, CHINAPLAS has been a highlight of our year, offering us a platform to showcase our latest technological advancements and connect with fellow industry leaders at this premier plastic exhibition. This prestigious event, held annually, attracts thousands of visitors from across the globe, keen to explore the latest trends and innovations in the plastics and rubber industry. For us, CHINAPLAS is not just a plastic exhibition; it's an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability in the manufacturing of single screw extruders.

Beyond CHINAPLAS, our engagement with the industry takes us to the heart of China's most famous plastic raw material base - Yuyao, Zhejiang. Here, we participate in various plastic exhibitions, further cementing our presence within the local market and showcasing our dedication to the Chinese plastics industry. These events allow us to engage directly with our customers, understand their needs better, and receive valuable feedback that drives our innovation at these crucial plastic exhibitions.

One of the unique aspects of our trade show participation is our approach to product demonstrations. Unlike many exhibitors at plastic exhibitions, we go the extra mile by transporting our machinery and equipment to the event venues, setting them up for live production. This hands-on demonstration allows visitors to see our machines in action, witness the quality of output firsthand, and appreciate the efficiency and reliability that our equipment brings to their operations at these plastic exhibitions. This approach has set us apart in the industry, offering a tangible experience of our machines' performance and capabilities.

Однако логистические проблемы и сложности, связанные с транспортировкой тяжелой техники, приводят к тому, что наше участие в международных выставках пластика ограничено. Мы по-прежнему ориентируемся на внутренние выставки, где мы можем в полной мере продемонстрировать наше технологическое мастерство без ограничений, связанных с международной логистикой. Эта стратегия позволяет нам поддерживать сильное и влиятельное присутствие в Китае, общаться с нашей основной аудиторией и строить прочные отношения с клиентами и партнерами на этих важнейших выставках пластмасс.

Our continued participation in CHINAPLAS and other trade shows in Yuyao is a testament to our dedication to the industry. It reflects our commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction at every plastic exhibition we attend. As we look forward to future exhibitions, we remain focused on showcasing the best of what we have to offer - pushing the boundaries of technology in the plastic and rubber manufacturing sector and reinforcing our position as industry leaders at these key plastic exhibitions.

Компания Jinxin Plastic Machinery - это не просто производитель, а новатор и первопроходец, стремящийся к развитию индустрии пластмасс и резины. Наше присутствие на этих выставках пластмасс - это открытое приглашение нашим клиентам и партнерам присоединиться к нам в этом пути инноваций и совершенства.


Процесс экструзии (1) Экструзия из полиамида (1) Экструдеры для пластмасс (3) Усиленный шланг (2) Проекты успеха (1) Экструзия полиэтилена (1)


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